
Thursday, June 29, 2017

What Debt of Gratitude is Mine?

I often visualize kneeling before my Lord, offering up my sadness, sorrow or sin.

I see, in my mind, Jesus Christ receiving my burden and making up for it, 
restoring joy for sorrow and beauty for ashes.

Last Sunday, during Sacrament meeting,
 this LDS Hymn 187 "God Loved Us So He Sent His Son" was running through my mind. 


  1. 1. God loved us, so he sent his Son,
    Christ Jesus, the atoning One,
    To show us by the path he trod
    The one and only way to God.
  2. 2. He came as man, though Son of God,
    And bowed himself beneath the rod.
    He died in holy innocence,
    A broken law to recompense.
  3. 3. Oh, love effulgent, love divine!
    What debt of gratitude is mine,
    That in his off’ring I have part
    And hold a place within his heart.
  4. 4. In word and deed he doth require
    My will to his, like son to sire,
    Be made to bend, and I, as son,
    Learn conduct from the Holy One.
  5. 5. This sacrament doth represent
    His blood and body for me spent.
    Partaking now is deed for word
    That I remember him, my Lord.
  6. Text: Edward P. Kimball, 1882–1937
    Music: Alexander Schreiner, 1901–1987. © 1948 IRI
A certain phrase was not only on "repeat" but was filling my heart with joy.
"What debt of gratitude is mine."

I enjoyed the feelings of joy and peace swelling my heart for a time,
 when suddenly I realized that I could offer up Gratitude on my mental altar.

So I did.  
I pictured kneeling at the altar and offering a bag full of all the gratitude I was brimming with.  
The bag full of gratitude fell open 
and was full of shining light-
a full shaft of sunlight pouring into Heaven. 
 I could see golden twinkling butterflies, winging their message of gratitude heaven-ward.

I felt the Lord not only accept my offering, but magnify it.

In my mind light filled the whole scene, turning the single shaft of sunlight into a full-blown sunlight splendor.  Light filled my whole mind and my heart.

My gratitude could never repay all that my Savior did, and does, for me.
None of us mere mortals could repay in full. 

But He accepts our offerings with joy and rejoicing.

"What Debt of Gratitude is Mine. "